good night! haha, one more week of summer vacation! Freshman orientation is tuesday.. EEEK!
Aug 30, 2009
"And you swear this is a different scene, but remember it's just different from what you've seen."
Aug 29, 2009
my new purchases
First up... this lovely floral dress. Well i don't really know if it's a dress, because it's like a t shirt kind of material but I'm wearing it as one. ha it was from URBAN for $9.99. I was surprised I bought this cuase usually i don't go for the whole floral girly look.
2. Grey top with cool racerback from Urban, $20.
third. we have this black slouchy top from Urban for $20 that has this cool tulle and stud gathering on the shoulders of the top. AND YAY! i finally got myself some grey skinny jeans from PacSun. That place has great jeans for a great price.
4th. we have a high waisted black shirt from h&M. Ya it was like $15. I got a grey jacket there too, but I'm gonna return it because it looks like I'm gonna go out for a run or a baseball game.
and last but not least I got a scarf from &M for $10 and some more skinny jeans from PacSun. I promised myself 2 weeks ago, I wouldn't buy anymore blue denim jeans because I have like 15 pairs now. and they're all skinny, However I needed to get 2 pairs for the deal. Here's some math for you. The deal was 2 for $55 (which was really good because these were normally $42.50 and the grey ones were originally $39.50), then I had a $19 merch. card, and 20% off a total purchase. So I ended up only paying $24 something for 2 pairs of jeans!
So as you can see, my style isn't the best. It's very casual and conservative compared to all you fashionistas out there. But hey, my style is "pretty out there" at my school... which makes you wonder how poorly dressed people are at my school. Haha whatever, i love em anyways.
Tonight I'm going to a party at tierney's house. It's gonna be a big party cuz she's having all her friends from the Highlana Area and all the catholic schools in the area and the people who go to hers and my school. So this will be interesting!
I just wanna say THANK YOU for all the nice comments! and even though i only ahev like 29 followers, it's a lot better than the 1 friend from school who followed me. So thanks everyone! ok corny moment over... OOXOXOX adios
Aug 28, 2009
blog award!
Aug 26, 2009
Black and Gold
Studded bracelets (black and white): PATINA. Juicy Couture charm bracelet. Black beaded necklace(worn as a bracelet): Claires. Tights: Target. Off White Tunic: Vintage. Black lace Vest: Vintage. Ankle Boots: charity store.
ADIOS! haha. Am I the only one, or do like shirts that say "100% Angel" bug you? And maybe I"m the only one who hates this, but i really am not into the whole "peace sign", heart, tie dye fad we have going on here. It's really... idk seems immature for someone to be wearing peace signs, very infantile. Maybe i'm the only one who thinks it.
Aug 25, 2009
I need to go shopping!
Aug 24, 2009
Color block
Aug 21, 2009
karl who??? :)
Aug 20, 2009
So here's some polyvore sets to keep you guys mildly entertained. my apologies again.