Nov 11, 2009

And Please don't tell me, that I'm dreaming...

Today was great just because I had a lot of time to get homework done while at school. So tonight, all I have to do is study for a History quiz for Friday.... WOOO

Here's what I wore yesterday. I've been tempted lately to wear just band t shirts and skinny jeans to school, but I know I have to keep you all entertained... So yestday I borrowed an AWESOME navy cardigan from my mother. It has these adorable little gold buttons and like a bandaged wrap texture on it. So awesome!It's a little big though. AH, I guess I'm continuing with this "natuical" theme, as some people commented on the post below, that I looked like a little sailor (:
Black Skinny's and V neck: Pac Sun, Moccasins and Cardigan: Vintage


Someone commented asking if I could show them how to wear a cream colored moto jacket. I think I'm going to make a polyvore set for that one, which I'll do in a couple days, when I have time. So whoever wanted that, stay tuned! I also recieved an award and got tagged to do a music post, so thanks girlies! I'm gonna do that soon. I promise!

I've got confirmation class tonight at church... oh boy. We have to write a testimony about our faith, which I know I'm gonna have a hard time with. It'll be interesting though, I'm thinking I'm going to write about how much I've struggled with my faith and the only time I feel close to God is when I'm at concerts with "Christian" metal bands. Something like that. There's So many great hardcore bands, who praise God in their songs. And being at their shows is epic, and such a great time.
Hope everyone has a great rest of the week


  1. I love it, and your studded bracelets are cute! :) x

  2. hm, you're wearing navy blue and black. that's always one of my fashion nonos, but you pull it off! bangles are cute(:

    ahhh, confirmation. my class has been going on for over a year. sooo slow! we have talked about our testimonies also, which i think i will struggle with and feel uncomortable about writing:/

    speaking of christian bands, have you ever heard/been to winterjam?...

  3. thax for responding lluv the cardi wish ma mom had one lik dat=]

  4. LOVE the cardigan! And I think it fits perfectly.. I mix navy blue and black all the time! That is so not a no-no anymore..

  5. I love the cardigan and the bracelets, you looks so pretty in these pictures xx


let me know what you think! i read and appreciate every comment, and i'll definately take a look at your blog!

find me on polyvore!