I have the song, "Three Cheers for Five Years" by Mayday Parade stuck in my head. I was listening to it on the way to school, and has been in my head ever since. It's a good song though...
This isn't the best outfit, but I wanted to take some photos of leaves. I don't have pretty leaves in my yard, they're all yellow and brown. The neighbors just outside the cul de sac, have these gorgeous red trees. I was tempted to borrow some of their fallen leaves for these photos... Ther were many EPIC fails while attempting to get these photos. They didn't turn out exactly how I wanted, but whatever. I look slightly er, shapely in these photos.
high waisted skirt: H&M, v neck t shirt: Pac Sun, Studded bracelets: local boutique,Plaid: Forever21
I really don't like manufactured plaid, especially this buffalo plaid trend we got going on. So I don't wear this shirt that much, because I know lots of other kids have joined the band wagon on plaid. I like to get mine from vintage stores, where I know it will be different from everyone else.

Thanks for all the comments and new followers! I really do appreciate them :D