My package from Forever21 came today! I got a dress, this amazing mustard yellow hat, 2 necklaces and a t shirt... I'll show you when I can!! These photos don't do the hat any justice.
hope everyone's week isn't as crazy as mine! xoxox
My package from Forever21 came today! I got a dress, this amazing mustard yellow hat, 2 necklaces and a t shirt... I'll show you when I can!! These photos don't do the hat any justice.
hope everyone's week isn't as crazy as mine! xoxox
I'm hoping a dose of fashion will cheer me right up. I bet it will.. at least it will give me something to do. umm... Oh i've decided I want a tatoo. yes, but i'm such a baby about it. and plus I can't legally get one til I'm 16, and my mom won't let me til i'm legally an adult and able to "mess up my life".... Should I get extentions??? the back of my hair won't grow (I used to have the "Posh" bob thing, it looked cute but I'm growing it out now) However, extentions are like $60, which I don't currently have. I think I'll go rob a bank or something...ha Jk
xoxox hope everyone has a good week!
This is also what I wore today... Shirt: H&M, cardigan wrap: Target, skinnies: Pac Sun, Necklaces: DIY, and Forever21. I don't know if I like the cardi wrap... Just got it today, but I don't know about the sleves?? Makes me look like a court jester. What do you guys think?
xoxoxox i hope everyone has a lovely weekend.
it's a strawberry... being blown up!!
Sorry about the kinda boring post...
Oh, help me decide. Since I have to walk to school, should I get a pair of fake uggs? the real ones are too expensive, and it's gonna start getting really cold for the fall and winter. Especially where I live... but uggs are just so preppy and mainstream, but they do keep da feet warm. help me!
So here's all the thrify/vintagey stuff I got from the Arena sale. Think of the arena sale as a huge charity thrift store... :D so it's all super cheap! All these clothes I bought for $10! haha and you get to see the Georgia O'keeffe painting I painted in art last year....
Left to right:
New navy Cardigan (it's pretty chunky), skirt: target, top and belt: Vintage
New Navy and White cardigan, black leggings
New Red Plaid shirt, black v neck, and gray skinnies: Pac Sun
New Navy, off white, and burgendy flannel shirt, top: vintage, skirt and belt:H&M
Then I got this awesome retro (faux?) fur cape thing... I was just parading around one area and the lady said I could have it for free since I was helping clean up. I just love free shit, don't you?? I'm probably never going to wear this, but Jane of Sea of Shoes is obsessed with fur coats and the such.... haha
Uhh got this wool plaid shirt... it's navy and burgendy but it's really ichy! so I have to wear a long sleve top under it.
And... there's this awesome backpack thing..... very vintage looking. Then i got this over sized grey t shirt that I'm wearing with lack leggings. And this funky off white belt with these gold circular stud things... they look very victorian.
Got a bunch of free books! After the sale was over, workers got to go around and pick up whatever they wanted. Again, free stuff rocks!
and my possibley favorite find... a super old polaroid camera! old school right here! haha I love it, now i just need to find film which will be super hard! ebay??
Hope everyone had a lovely monday! xoxxo